GOAL: To write, record, and perform an original, curriculum-based song during three (3) classroom visits and one (1) assembly.
PURPOSE: To demonstrate how a professional songwriter starts with a "First Idea" and ends with a "Finished Song" using real-life examples from Roger's music. The class will then follow these steps, with Roger' guidance, to create their own original song based on a subject they are currently studying.
- To learn the parts of a song (verse, chorus, bridge)
- To discuss rhyme schemes and word choice, specifically how the right word can affect how a lyric "sounds" (i.e. how a melody "sings")
- To hear how music helps create the right mood for lyrics, whether using minor or major chords; loud or soft dynamics; fast or slow rhythms
TIME: Three (3) hour long (or normal length) classroom visits and one (1) assembly depending on space and scheduling.
Maximum of four (4) writing sessions per day and twenty (20) per week.
Perfect for 3rd-5th grades but adaptable for K-2 as well. Limited to one class up to 15-25 students at a time.
For more information, download the residency information sheet.